Ballyconnell Fair Day

Our annual Fair Day will be packed with things to buy, things to see, things to do and many, many things to enjoy! Along the main street and around the Market House Square you’ll find lots of stall holders selling homemade foods, handcrafted goods, homegrown fruit and veg, toys and games, products from local businesses and you might even get a bargain from some of our car-boot sale sellers! The carpark at The Woodford Bar will host our FREE Kids zone! We have bouncy castles, face painting, arts and crafts and new this year is a Ground Graffiti competition – get your piece of the car park to decorate with coloured chalks and see who gets the prizes! The wonderful Heather Bothwell presents the story of the raised bogs of Ballyconnell, taking us through the formation of the land we live on. Supported by the Marble Arch Caves Global Geo-Park. Our town historian Tony Connolly presents a selection of photographs of the town as it developed.