Cork Simon Women's Little Christmas Lunch 2018

Join us for a jazzy G&T reception followed by a 4 course dinner with wine. Music on arival will be with Ciara O'Driscoll and friends.
Colm O'Regan MC will be joined by special guests for a unique, inspirational afternoon, not to be missed. This is a great opportunity for women to get together with family and friends to celebrate Little Women's Christmas in style. Special guests include dinner speakers:
- Alison Kingston, Nutritionist - nutrition and lifestyle for you in 2018, by simplifying food.
- Jess Hatchett, Flow Yoga - how to look after your health and well being in 2018
- Joolie Collier, London, Stylist - sharing some 2018 fashion tips with us
Tickets are on sale from Options Boutique, Clonakilty and from the Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery, priced at 55 euro each.