Kids' Own Publishing - Round Table Discussion

Things to do in County Dublin Dublin, Ireland - Kids' Own Publishing - Round Table Discussion - YourDaysOut
Chair: Martin Drury Guest speakers: TBC Through a series of presentations and discussions hosted by Kids’ Own Creative Director, Orla Kenny and Kids’ Own co-founder Victoria Ryle, the day will involve explorations and case studies of the Kids’ Own archive, followed by discussions involving a chaired panel of guest speakers, and focused conversations, where participants will be invited to explore and interrogate a series of questions, including: • How do we make space for quality and depth of engagement to support children as cultural makers and creators in their own right? • How do we recognise and give value to authentic arts practice with children and young people, alongside professional artists? • How do we give visibility and credence to the work of children and amplify children’s voices within mainstream culture and literature?
The Ark, Dublin, 11A Eustace Street, Ireland
Nov 8, 2017, 10:30:00 AM - Nov 8, 2017, 4:00:00 PM
Repeat: Daily untill Nov 7, 2017
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