VHI Women's Mini Marathon

The Vhi Women's Mini Marathon, an annual 10k charity road race, occurs each June bank holiday weekend in Dublin and is the largest Women's event of its kind in the world. At the present time, it is intended that Vhi Women's Mini Marathon 10km course route will start at 12.30 on Sunday, 4th June 2023, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2. In 1983, the inaugural event had 9,000 women entering and the event reached a record attendance in 2014 with over 41,000 women taking part. The event has grown in popularity as women have taken more interest in their own health and fitness. A staggering 1 million women have entered the event over its 35 years. Hundreds of charities are also big winners. In 2017, it is estimated that €9.3m was raised on the day for charities, bringing the estimated total raised, since the race started, to more than €210m. The women decide themselves which charity they will support and many local causes gain vital funds from the event. It is now the largest one day...