World Storytelling Day

Things to do in County Dublin Dublin, Ireland - World Storytelling Day - YourDaysOut

Wise Fools - A Celebration of Story & Poetry on World Storytelling Day World Storytelling Day promotes oral storytelling, by inspiring people all over the world to organize events each year the week after March Equinox. The goal is to have as many people tell and listen to stories at as many places and in as many languages as possible. Each year a theme is chosen which participants may choose as inspiration for stories. This year the theme is "Wise Fools". To mark World Storytelling Day, this event brings together three poets and three storytellers to tell stories and poems based on the theme “Wise Fools”. Presented by Poetry Ireland in collaboration with Storytellers of Ireland and FEST, the Federation for European Storytelling, with the support of Creative Europe, the evening will feature poets Moya Cannon, Paula Meehan and Theo Dorgan along with European Storytellers Csenge Virag Zalka from Hungary and Markus Luukonen from Finland with Jack Lynch from...

Poetry Ireland, 11 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1, Ireland
Mar 20, 2018, 7:30:00 PM - Mar 20, 2018, 10:00:00 PM
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