Joyce Country Sheepdogs

Joyce Country Sheepdogs is part of a family run farm located in Connemara on the West of Ireland. Joyce Contry Sheepdogs offers you the opportunity to visit a working hill sheep farm and watch the Border Collie sheepdogs herding Connemara Blackface sheep. Border Collie sheepdogs and puppies are available to buy. Joe Joyce is the third generation of his family to farm sheep in the Joyce Country area. Some 700 years ago, the rugged landscape of this area attracted a Welshman of Norman origins called Thomas Joyce who married a local girl and settled in the area which now bears his name. It is therefore fitting that Joe now farms this area together with his wife Mary Ann, who also happens to hail from the South Wales area. Mary Ann did not arrive at Joyce Country empty handed, she brought along a sheepdog with impressive bloodlines, named Roy. This led to further imports from Wales such as Sweep and Ben. The farm is nestled between the Maumturk and Partry Mountains. Joe is delighted...