Funtasia Bettystown

Situated just 20 minutes north of Dublin in the heart of the picturesque seaside resort of Bettystown, we have something for all the family. Among the many attractions and facilities that Funtasia Bettystown has to offer the fairground rides prove to be the most popular, with white knuckle rides for the thrill seekers and gentler attractions for the less adventurous. Explore the Jungle Zone, the multi-level play area which will keep the young explorers busy for hours. We also have a luxurious casino, 3D motion theatre, American themed pool areas and Irelands only rollercoaster on a roof! Attractions Fairground Rides Welcome to the seaside town of Bettystown and what better way to spend time here than at a Fun Fair extravaganza at Funtasia. 3 levels of Fairground thrill seeking excitement awaits you with our Ferris Wheel, Gyro Loop, Balloon Ride, Drop Zone and more.