Dublin City Council’s National Playday

Dublin’s Merrion Square will become the city’s playground from 1pm-5pm on Sunday 1st July as the Ombudsman for the Children celebrate 25 years of Ireland’s ratification of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRO). Promising lots of fun and activity throughout the day, families from across the city are encouraged to join in this fantastic day of play! A free event for all, Dublin City Council are inviting families of all ages to join the ‘playful crowd’ and partake in the creative and interactive activities taking place throughout the day. National Playday will see the ‘right to play’ made a reality for all children and young people living in and visiting Dublin City and families are advised to wear old clothes as the fun and games are expected to get messy! National Playday is brought to you by Dublin City Council and is supported by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, and works to celebrate Article 31, the child’s...