Seachtain na Gaeilge Tour

Glasnevin Cemetery Museum, in celebration of Irish language week will offer tours of the cemetery in Irish. Glasnevin Cemetery, where over one million stories are buried in the ground, our nation's heroes rest alongside thousands of Dubliners. We want to share their stories with you. Join us, as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge for this unique opportunity to tour the cemetery through our own native tongue. Led by one of our expert guides, you will visit the graves of the men and women who have shaped our country and inspired a love of the Irish language in the generations who followed them. Saturday, March 14th at 1.30pm and Sunday, March 15th at 1.30pm Seachtain na Gaeilge Tour -Turas Sheachtain na Gaeilge Is i Reilig Glas Naíon, áit a bhfuil milliún scéal curtha sa talamh, a luíonn laochra na hÉireann taobh leis na mílte Baile Átha Cliathach. Ba mhaith linn a scéil a roinnt libhse. Bígí linn i Reilig Glas...