Kindness is a Light in the Darkness

Make and Fly your kite for kindness! On Monday 6th of November, learn to make your own kite and fly it with your own community at Dublin City Councils' in person event , Kindess is a Light in the Darkness. Come along to Grangegorman from 3pm to 5:30 pm for a heart warming event. Event Schedual 3pm Kite Workshop I ( Ticket Event) 3:30pm Kite Workshop II ( Fully Booked) 4 pm Kite Workshop III ( Ticket Event) 4:30 pm - 6pm Let's Fly our Kight Together! ( no registation required) Kindess is a Light in the Darkness, is a flgship event of Dublin City Inclusion Week 2023. Taking place from the 6th- 12th of November, the week long initative aims to demonstarte a more socially inclusive and integratied diverse city with dozens of free events inclusing workshops, panel discussion, exibihions, film screenings and a variety of entertainment . From kite flying to art and crafts,...