Dun na Si Family Christmas Experience

This event is over.
The Dun na Si Amenity & Heritage Park are having the Family Christmas Experience on Saturday 19th December.
- Write to Santa and visit him on the Santa Express
- Watch the elves making toys in their workshop
- Visit the festive halls of on Teach Ceoil
- See the LIVE CRIB and experience the Nativity Scene
There will also be Face Painting, Carol Singing, Make & Bakes, Craft Demonstrations, Chestnut roasting, refreshments available, something for all the family.
Pre Booking advisable. Bookings can be made by calling 090 6481183.
All proceeds in aid of Dun na Si Amenity & Heritage Park.
Admission €12 per child (accompanying adult goes free) €5 Adult/Teenager. Family rates available.