Carnival of Colours

IN YOUR SPACE CIRCUS PROUDLY PRESENTS CARNIVAL OF COLOURS 2019 Sooooo…. Elephant in the room… We’ve MOVED!!! Carnival of Colours is BACK and, yes... this time it’s ON TOUR!! We are bringing the most circus-y Festival you’ve ever witnessed to the stunning-est, most slopey BROOKE PARK! What do we have in store for your circus, arts and music pleasure this year? INTERNATIONAL STREET THEATRE ACTS INCLUDING: Grant Goldie, Andrea Fidelio, Dr Skita, Siolta Circus AND Jack name just a few! And some local new kids on the ‘Brooke’ will include Paddy Picasso, painting up a storm with his puppetting portrai-ting ways and Sam Madden (Ireland’s Professional Football Freestyler), keepy-uppey-ing all weekend long!! What else, we hear you ask? We have and Amazing YOUTH ARTS ZONE Featuring Youth Circus Shows from across Northern Ireland, the Nerve Centre’s Hothouse Stage, Graffitti, Dance and Parkour from the Take Back the Streets...