Big Bang Dublin: Milestones

In MILE(S)TONES, a percussionist, a pianist and a trumpet player guide you into the fascinating world of the legendary American jazz composer and trumpet player Miles Davis. His adventurous, innovative approach to music is this show’s starting point, leading you into a labyrinth of ever-changing spaces and moods. One moment, you may find yourself in the vibrant creativity of a recording studio, or on stage as one of the musicians; the next moment, you're creating a live soundtrack to a movie or you're in the celebrated musician's painting studio. You will experience the endless, fantastic possibilities of improvised music through the compositions of Miles Davis, with members of the renowned Belgian jazz ensemble De Beren Gieren, Thijs Troch, Simon Segers, and trumpet player Bert Bernaerts as the ideal guides. This show has been programmed with the approval of the children on the BIG BANG Dublin Festival Ambassador team! TICKETS €12.50/€9.50 (20% off for Members)...