Give Trad a Try 2019 | The Ark, Dublin

Have a go at playing traditional music on one of a range of instruments at our popular drop-in sessions for beginners. Part of the TradFest Children's Hub 2019 Suitable for beginners or newcomers to Irish music, each participant will enjoy a short 15 minute introduction to playing one traditional instrument and complete a simple musical task on that instrument. Participants will get a certificate of participation at the end of the session. TICKETS Free entry. Places will be allocated on the day. DATES & TIMES 15 minute sessions Sat 26 & Sun 27 Jan @ 11am-1pm AGE RANGE & DURATION For Ages 6+ 15 mins ARTISTS Sessions facilitated by music tutors from Ceoltoirí Chluain Tarbh. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Presented in partnership with:TradFest 2019 and Ceoltoirí Chluain Tarbh. BOOKING INFORMATION The sessions take place every 20 mins. Limited places available on a first come first served basis. Please be aware that there may be some waiting required. Places will be...