Seedlings Workshops: Sewing Someone to Love | The Ark, Dublin

Our Early Years Artist in Residence, Lucy Hill explores handmade crafts in this engaging workshop for ages 2-4. Part of the TradFest Children's Hub 2019 Inspired by Tradfest we are returning to the idea of making our own handmade toys – bringing our very own softies to life using lots of lovely material scraps, ribbon, googly eyes, wool and fabric markers. With help from your grown-up and a sewing machine (you can work the pedal!), do your own designing, stuffing, add eyes and maybe a tail, it will be a unique one of a kind, just like you! Ideal for getting little ones (and their grown-up!) imagining and creating together. TICKETS €11.50/€8.50 per child (20% off for members). DATES & TIMES Fri 25 Jan @ 10:15am & 2pm Sat 26 Jan @ 10.15am and 11.45am AGE RANGE & DURATION Ages 2-4 Duration 45mins ARTISTS Lucy Hill PRODUCTION INFORMATION Presented by: The Ark in partnership with TradFest 2019 Part of: The John Coolahan Early Years Artist Residency BOOKING...