National Circus Festival of Ireland

Things to do in County Kerry, Ireland - National Circus Festival of Ireland - YourDaysOut

We are back, bigger than ever for our 18th Birthday! It’s everyone’s favourite weekend – the National Circus Festival of Ireland! From the 14th – 17th of November we will be lighting up the town of Tralee, showcasing the world of contemporary circus to our beloved audiences. Join us for world renowned shows, Irish premieres, adult and children workshops, pop up performances around the town, shows every night at the Festival Club. The ever popular Circus Siamsa shows on Saturday will blow your minds, and our festival parade winding its way through the streets of Tralee will make your Sunday. We cannot wait for the people of Kerry to release their inner clown, run away with the circus and join in this epic celebration of circus Kerry style! Circus Siamsa - Sat 16th Nov at 2pm and 5.30pm At the heart of the festival is Circus Siamsa, a variety show, held each year in Siamsa Tíre. It’s a family show but not just for kids! This show is a highlight...

Siamsa Tire, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Nov 14, 2019, 12:00:00 AM - Nov 17, 2019, 12:00:00 AM
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