Monaghan Town Country Music Festival

The Monaghan Country Music Festival is back with four-days of live music in the open air.
Monaghan Town Country Music festival is a charity fund raising, open air, four day country music and jiving festival. This festival is a fine example of a community, from a medium sized boarder town, coming together to create a wonderful event for all to take part in and enjoy.
The festival is organised by a voluntary committee with the assistance of An Garda Síochana Monaghan, Monaghan County Council and local business. The festival was first held in 2013 and since then all proceeds have gone directly to local charities and good causes.
This year includes performances from Patrick Feeney, Jimmy Buckley, Michael English & Mike Denver in the Diamond every night.
Tickets cost €10 per night or you an buy a weekend pass for €35. U12s must be accompanied by an adult.