Feis Shligigh

Feis Shligigh was founded in 1903 as a Gaelic Feis for Connacht.
The aims are the revival of our national Language and Heritage.
It takes place three weekends before Easter ending with 4 days of Drama during Holy Week.
Irish Dancing
Saturday 8th February & Sunday 9th February, 2020 - Clayton Hotel, Sligo
Vocal Music
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd March, 2020 - The Model, The Mall, Sligo
Instrumental Music
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd March, 2020 - The Model, The Mall, Sligo
Traditional Music & Sean-Nós Dancing
Friday 20th, Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd March, 2020 - The Model, The Mall, Sligo
Comórtaisí Gaeilge
Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th March, 2020 - Sligo City Hotel
English Verse Speaking
Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th April, 2020 - Sligo Southern Hotel, Sligo
Sunday 5th - Wednesday 8th April, 2020 - The Model, The Mall, Sligo