Robert Boyle Summer School: Boyle's Theory of Knowledge

Dr William Eaton, Associate Professor of Early Modern Philosophy, Georgia Southern University will speak about Boyle’s theory of Knowledge. It's well known that Robert Boyle was a champion of experimental scientific knowledge, but much more can be said about his epistemology. Bill Eaton will discuss Boyle's view on the nature and limits of scientific knowledge, his rejection of premature speculation, the status of innate ideas and intuitive knowledge, and his anticipation of both the problem of induction and the distinction between real and nominal essence. By seeing his philosophy of science in the larger context of his other epistemological concerns, we come to a better understanding of Boyle's contribution to the development of the modern world. William is also an Affiliated Faculty Member of the Centre for Irish Research and Teaching, and a Research Associate at the Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies, at the University of York. His work includes research in...