Ballymoney Show

Things to do in Northern Ireland Ballymoney, United Kingdom - Ballymoney Show - YourDaysOut

The Ballymoney Show is a local agricultural show providing 2 days of entertainment for the whole family.

The show attract visitors, from both the local farming area, the local town and also visitors from the rest of the province, from the Island of Ireland and Great Britain.

Ballymoney Show is held in the local showgrounds, which are owned by the North Antrim Agricultural Association.

At the show, you'll get to experience livestock judging including cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, horse and pony judging to food tents with cookery demonstrations and celebrity chefs; from agricultural products, artisan foods to local crafts as well as entertainment in the form of music, football competitions and tug of war. Not to forget the bonny baby competition, home industries and schools exhibits and an exciting dog show, too. There's also over 100 produce and craft stands – which include artisan food to sample, rural crafts and agricultural products.

Ballymoney Show has built a strong sense of community for over 100 years (since 1907). They pride themselves in the strong young farmers' involvement with the show – involving 3 local clubs – Finvoy, Kilraughts and Moycraig. The members of these clubs unite to do all the preparation and planning – and this gives them many opportunities to team build.

Ballymoney BT53 6BW, UK
Jun 2, 2023, 3:00:00 PM - Jun 2, 2023, 10:00:00 PM
Jun 3, 2023, 9:30:00 AM - Jun 3, 2023, 4:00:00 PM
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