Santa's Magical Experience
A Unique Magical Christmas Family Fantasy World Experience The world's most unique and Magical Christmas Shop and Family Experience, based in the heart of Northern Ireland. An amazing Santa's grotto & walk around experience for adults & children, full of fantastic props, sets & a wonderful Christmas shop full of unique high quality decorations from all around the world. A must to visit if you appreciate quality decorations. 2024 Christmas Family Experience yet again has changes and improvements in store, retaining all the best features and special effects, amazing theatre show, train simulator, north pole station and more.Once your entry time comes available, the magical train conductor welcomes you and your family onto a state of the art train simulator which is visually stunning with 3D graphics and effects, you will experience a simulated ride on the train to the North Pole to meet Santa. Full surround sound, special movement effects. You and your family will be...