Kiddies Kingdom

Things to do in County Carlow, Ireland - Kiddies Kingdom - YourDaysOut


Kiddies Kingdom is an indoor play centre and creche located in Bagenalstown, County Carlow, minutes from the M9 motorway.

Kiddies Kingdom has play area's for baby's, toddlers and juniors. As well as Sky TV for the seniors ;)

Also part of the complex is Sk8 Mania, an indoor roller blading and roller skating arena. You can find out more about Sk8 Mania at

Back by popular demand MOTHERS and TODDLERS GROUP.

Every Thursday Kiddies Kingdom is hosting a Mothers and Toddlers group from 11am till 1pm, Only €6 per child, which includes a free tea or coffee. So come along make new friends.

Have you visited our Ladies Circuit Training Gym? It’s a fat burning and toning Gym, designed for ladies. Open Monday to Friday 9.30am till 8.00pm in Kiddies Kingdom. Best part is, it’s pay as you go... ie €4 per session or €25 for the month (come as often as you like).

Also during July and August , come between 10am – 12noon or 7pm - 8pm and your children can play in Kiddies Kingdom absolutely free

If you have any questions, please phone (059)-9723532 to speak to the helpful staff at Kiddies Kingdom.

Royal Oak Rd, Moneybeg, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow, Ireland
Tue-Wed: 11:30-14:30; Thur-Sun: 11:00-18:00
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