Howth Castle & Gardens

One Family’s Home for over 800 Years Howth Castle is the private residence of the Gaisford-St Lawrence family. The house is not normally open to the public, but the family recognises that there is an understandable interest in it and its contents. We believe that the fact that the house has been home to the same family for so long is what makes it unique. Unlike many other houses of its size in Ireland, it is not a museum or a hotel but a home which we enjoy sharing with others. It has its origins in medieval times. In 1177 Almeric, the first Lord of Howth, came to Ireland with John de Courcy. Legend has it that on 10th August, the feastday of St Lawrence, at Evora Bridge, close to the Church of Ireland church he won a victory which secured him possession of the Howth peninsula. In gratitude for this, he is said to have taken the name of St Lawrence. His descendants still own and live in the castle.