Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio

The museum was the brainchild of Pat Herbert, hailing originally from Rathnamagh, Ardagh, Co. Mayo. It is the only working Radio Museum in any original Martello Tower on the planet! After hearing radio/wireless for the first time aged 10 in 1947, when the All-Ireland Football Final was broadcast from the Polo Grounds, New York, Pat was mesmorised by the technology that allowed him to hear Michael O' Hehir's voice clearly across the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Throughout his life he collected all things radio and communications. On retiring, he decided to exhibit his collection. Early in 2003 he met with Fingal Co. Co. and agreed to exhibit his collection in the Martello Tower #2, Howth. Previously, the local Lions Club had raised funds to convert the interior so really all that was needed was a suitable collection. So The Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio was born and Howth gained a new destination, breathing new life into the Martello Tower #2.