JumpLanes Athlone

Based in the Monksland area of Athlone JumpLanes provides a fun and friendly recreation activity that all the family can enjoy. With a 10 lane trampoline area, soccer pool and mini ice skating its an all year round center for fun! Trampolining is a great physical activity so please dress appropriately. Please note: Trampolining is a great physical activity so please dress appropriately. Sports wear only allowed on the trampolines - tracksuit pants, shorts or leggings. Any form of denim jeans, belt buckles, zip or external buttons are NOT ALLOWED on the trampolines. The material of Denim Jeans can damage the trampolines as well as the rivets and zips that make up jeans, and damaged trampoline beds can lead to safety incidents. If you arrive at JumpLanes trampoline park without the correct clothing, we cannot permit you entry.