Shannon Aviation Museum

Things to do in County Clare, Ireland - Shannon Aviation Museum - YourDaysOut

Discover the skies where history flies in the heart of Shannon Aviation Museum.

Museum Tour

Take a step back in time and wander among the wings of iconic vintage aircraft on a museum tour, running at 2pm subject to availability, or explore the the museum anytime at your own speed with the aid of the Interactive Audio Tour.

Birthday Parties

Looking for that unique birthday party experience? Party in style at Shannon Aviation Museum, it’s a must for any budding pilot and their crew.

School Tours

Dive into the fascinating world of aviation at the award-winning Shannon Aviation Museum. Wander among the wings of iconic vintage aircraft, marvel at the sleek lines of famed fighter jets, discover the skies where history flies and more.

Shannon Aviation Museum, Link Rd, Smithstown, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland
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