Dr Megaphone's Zoom

Things to do in County Dublin Dublin, Ireland - Dr Megaphone's Zoom - YourDaysOut

As part of Engineer’s Week 2018 join Engineer Ian Johnston (Dr Megaphone) from The Open University and his long-suffering side-kick, Sandy the Science Boy, for a whirlwind tour through engineering at different scales from the cosmic to the sub-atomic. Discover siege engines, steam engines, sizzling sparks and a (possibly) dead cat. Audience participation involved. Dr Ian Johnston is a lecturer at The Open University with a keen interest in making engineering, science and maths as fascinating to other people as they are to him. He has been academic consultant to a string of BBC programmes including Battle of the Geeks, Bang Goes the Theory and Electric Dreams and he has appeared on RTÉ shows including the John Murray Show and news2day. His inventions include the world’s most flippable drinks mat and the world’s least embarrassing bath towel. ‘Dr Megaphone’s Zoom’ is aimed at anyone who finds science and engineering interesting, and is...

22 Clyde Rd, Dublin 4, Ireland
Apr 27, 2018, 10:45:00 AM - Apr 27, 2018, 11:45:00 AM
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