Tom Duffy's Circus

Welcome to Tom Duffy's, Ireland's Favourite Circus. Duffy's is one of the world’s longest-established circuses, amazing family audiences across Ireland (North & South) over three centuries. The new show blends the traditional and the twenty-first century. Acts enjoyed by generations of circus-goers are brought right up-to-the-minute with a spectacular light show, state of the art sound and expert choreography. With the glamour of elaborate hand-made costumes, glittering lights and stunning special effects, you’re sure to be astounded by Tom Duffy’s. This year's show features motor bike riders from Brazil, Mexican clowns, Kenyan acrobats, Liberty horses, Performing Poodles, High Speed Juggling, Aerial Cradle, and the 5th generation of the Duffy family, Tom & Jamie, with their award winning wheel of death! Tom and Jamie Duffy are quite literally a whirlwind duo. Complete concentration, balance, absolute trust in each other and a fearless mentality combine...
That’s the end of our 2017 season.
Since February we’ve had 447 performances in almost every county in Ireland.
We would like to thank each and every one of you who have came along to see our show and made this tour a very successful and enjoyable one and would like to wish the stars of our 2017 show well as they leave us for new adventures.
We’ll be back in February with a brand new show for 2018!
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