Planet Science Kidz

We teach science topics in a fun exciting environment. Children will undoubtedly have an experience of a life time. Make a booking today... SOME FUN FACTS YOUR KIDS WILL LEARN Biology Things invisible to the human eye can be seen under a microscope Moulds, yeasts and mushrooms are types of fungus Bacteria are small and are made up of just one cell The common cold is a type of a virus Chemistry Liquid Nitrogen has a very low boiling point of -196 degrees celsius Under normal conditions oil and water do not mix Some chemical reactions occur through everyday activities including cooking e.g. yeast makes bread rise! Physics What goes up must come down (law of Gravity) Electric current is measured in amps Birds can stand on electrical cables and not get electrocuted because they are bad conductors of electricity Humans are good conductors of electricity and cannot touch electrical cables Geology Volcanoes are openings in the earth's surface Hot liquid from a volcano is known as magma...