Red Moon Creative Arts August Summer Camp at The Presentation Centre

Red Moon Creative Arts Theatre ‘explorers of the imagination’ Creative Arts Summer Camp 2021 Join us for four fabulously creative mornings that include Drama, Story-Making, Costume- Making and Art. Children from 7-12/13 years welcome Fee: €65 (small reduction for siblings) Weather/Permission permitting we may be able to present the children’s work live for family members at 1pm on the last day (Friday) of each camp in The Orchard Peace Park, adjacent to The Presentation Arts Centre. The performance will last approx. 10-15 minutes. However, if this is not possible, we will be providing families with a free DVD of the performance, recorded in our ‘Summer Camp Bubble’ from the auditorium on the final day. What We Do. The children collaborate in a story-making session to create their very own epic tale. Then they draw and paint scenes and characters from their imaginings to help visualise and develop the themes of the piece. Then they improvise scenes...