BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition

The public exhibition takes place in the R.D.S. Dublin from Thursday 9th to Saturday 11th January from 9.30am to 5.30pm* each day.
550 amazing student projects will compete in the 60th BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. We also have four packed exhibition halls and the Primary Science Fair all full of exciting things to see and do, designed to stimulate the minds of young and old alike. 2025 is BT’s 25th year as both organiser and title sponsor of the event and to celebrate we are once again featuring some brilliant attractions.
*Friday 10th and Saturday 11th doors will close at 5pm
The Primary Science Fair at BTYSTE encourages 3rd to 6th class students to explore STEM topics in a non-competitive environment. Projects will be exhibited in person at RDS Dublin, with participation certificates for all schools. Safety, fun, and creativity are key components of this educational event.